Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This is How We (and Mary Jane) Do It

Living with a plethora of geeks throughout the years has led me to the ultimate Super Hero ability:

No... I can't run faster than the ice cream truck. Nor can I leap over Lego Towers in a single bound.
However I can defeat the dark forces of... The Laundry Basket!

*insert menacing theme music here*

How, you might ask, do I keep the local heroes costumes so neat and tidy? Haven't you ever wondered how Superman can break through a brick wall, save a kitten from a fire, and fight off bad guys... AND come out in a mint-condition, identity-concealing costume?

The answer, quite simply:
Mom's Hero Laundry Services---No stain we can't defeat!

Seriously, though, my geeklet's costuming has taken on it's fair share of stains and grime.

To keep your costume nice and clean, I endorse these tips:

  • Wash colors with colors, lights with lights. Nothing runs a Super Hero's image faster than having his whites mysteriously turn pink!
  • Take two minutes to prevents snags and tears- zip zippers, button those buttons, and clasp the clasps! Even velcro should be firmly attached to it's mated piece.
  • It's not Bizarro--- turn those outfits inside-out to prevent fading. Also, by treating stains from the opposite side of the fabric, you aren't just grinding the dirt further into the fabric.
  • Don't overload the washer and hang the clothing to dry. If it's a particularly stretchy piece of costuming, lay it flat to dry on a sweater rack.

Anyone can do laundry. But it takes super powers to defeat the forces of dirt and grime!

*image from Sideshow Collectibles.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wherein it Goes to Hell in a (cute) Handbasket

Hubby got assigned a random training class on the other side of the country.

I suspect my brain got packed into his bag and is now basking in the rays of sunshine on it's own mini vacation.

So far this week I haven't been able to cook without things going awry.

Somehow the heater got turned up so high in the house that the left-over Halloween candy melted.

I got a flat tire. (Luckily, I'm the one that handles car stuff normally since Hubby is woefully inept and could change my own tire.)

Each of the kids has thrown super-tantrums. I didn't even know that the infant could throw tantrums- he's normally incredibly laid back. I cringe thinking about it.

I can't wait until my brain comes back. Hopefully, it'll be nice and rested and ready to take on a new adventure and give my body a rest.