I can cook dinner while coaxing an infant to eat jarred turkey. I can vacuum while balancing a basket of laundry and two misplaced wine glasses. I can perform surgery on all the stuffed animals in one night. I can even soothe an argument between sick children while bathing the cat.
But, in one fell swoop, I undid all my years of Mommy-karma.
My husband, being the little boy of the 80's that he is, was over-joyed to hear of the re-release of Transformers as a live-action movie two years ago. He promptly went out with Chaos and began buying action figures. The two would sit for hours and "transform" them from robot to vehicle and back again.

You would think, since Chaos is only five, that the toys would be simple to transform. Not so. The intricate turns and flips and clicks needed completely befuddle me.
This week, my husband was assigned to one of the rare night shifts that come along in his line of work. So, while he was asleep during the daytime, Chaos walks up to me with panic in his voice and says, "Mommy, I can't get Bumblebee back together!"
I took the toy and fumbled with it for a good half an hour. Slowly the hope dies from Chaos's eyes. After one final try, he takes the toy from me and says, "Never mind. I'll get Daddy to do it later. I forgot you're a GIRL."
images courtesy of Hasbro.