No... I can't run faster than the ice cream truck. Nor can I leap over Lego Towers in a single bound.
However I can defeat the dark forces of... The Laundry Basket!
*insert menacing theme music here*
How, you might ask, do I keep the local heroes costumes so neat and tidy? Haven't you ever wondered how Superman can break through a brick wall, save a kitten from a fire, and fight off bad guys... AND come out in a mint-condition, identity-concealing costume?
The answer, quite simply:
Mom's Hero Laundry Services---No stain we can't defeat!
Seriously, though, my geeklet's costuming has taken on it's fair share of stains and grime.
To keep your costume nice and clean, I endorse these tips:
- Wash colors with colors, lights with lights. Nothing runs a Super Hero's image faster than having his whites mysteriously turn pink!
- Take two minutes to prevents snags and tears- zip zippers, button those buttons, and clasp the clasps! Even velcro should be firmly attached to it's mated piece.
- It's not Bizarro--- turn those outfits inside-out to prevent fading. Also, by treating stains from the opposite side of the fabric, you aren't just grinding the dirt further into the fabric.
- Don't overload the washer and hang the clothing to dry. If it's a particularly stretchy piece of costuming, lay it flat to dry on a sweater rack.

Anyone can do laundry. But it takes super powers to defeat the forces of dirt and grime!
*image from Sideshow Collectibles.