Friday, June 5, 2009

So, Miss Alice and I were talking...

Miss Alice, our elderly neighbor, and I were talking the other day.

"Meg," she said (She has always called me Meg. My real name, Morgana, she declared too difficult to remember.), "You and I think alike. We know what needs to be done, and a hundred ways to get it done."

The "it" in question is domesticity. In the two weeks we've lived in our current house, she and I have compared notes on everything from cooking magazine subscriptions to pickle recipes, current sales to coupon matches. We've even argued the merits of cleaning with vinegar versus cleaning with lemons and salt. We've discussed the best methods for stain removal in the same conversation we've discussed knitting patterns. In short, she's as committed to being a domestic diva as I am.

So, as she made that declaration, a light bulb went off in my head.

True, I've always been a bit of a Hippie. My mom, back in the day, was committed to being as tight-fisted as possible. There wasn't a pair of jeans in the house that all of us hadn't worn at least once each, nor was there a meal on the table that cost more than $5 total. I picked up those skills and refined them to my own methods and lifestyle.

I thought to myself, "Self, why don't we pass on some of our little tidbits, recipes, and crafty know-how?"

Then I answered myself. (That's always a bad sign.)

Thus, this blog was born.

I hope everyone who stumbles upon this blog enjoys it as much as I'll enjoy writing it.

With Love,

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